Tuesday, 1 February 2011

No birds today

So then, here we are with a nice sunny day and not at all cold really but no birds.  "Why not?" you might be asking, "seeing as you were moaning about how cold it was yesterday."  Well, no real reason apart from being a tad lazy today.  Never mind eh? 

The news from Eygpt doesn't look at all good does it?  Always fancied going there fror a holiday cos of all the history but never been able to afford it.  Somehow I don't think I shall make it now.  For the wider region there may a few very nervous heads of state watching what's going on and wondering if they may be next.  The King of Jordon has acted already, Libiya might go soon too.  The major worry for the West is the danger that a large number of Iran-stlye Islamic states might emerge all within a very small and tight area. 

There's nothing to worry about with Islam as a whole but there should be a worry of some of the people who follow it.  Faith systems, and Christianity has and does suffer from it too, have a tendancy to allow people, usually men to rise who are good at stoking fires and twisting what is a peaceful message to mean what ever they want it to mean.  We've seen the results of that in New York, London and Spain and currently in Afganistan.

So then, here we are with a nice sunny day and not at all cold really but no birds.  "Why not?" you might be asked, "seeing as you were moaning about how cold it was yesterday."  Well, no real reason apart from being a tad lazy today.  Never mind eh?


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